Tumbleweed (1953)
Tumbleweed: a horse of a different color(all white)
26 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Man From the Alamo", Glen Ford plays a man who is elected to try to ride through the Mexican lines surrounding The Alamo to try to warn a community that they should evacuate before the Mexicans overran them. He was too late to save these people, but he missed being one of the victims of the attack on the Alamo. The community he next landed in clearly thought of him as a coward for abandoning the Alamo. In the present film, Audie Murphy finds himself in a similar situation. When the little wagon train he was leading through Yaqui territory was threatened with attack, he galloped in search of the chief Aguila, whose son, Tigre, had been saved from death by Audie a short time ago. Audie hoped this would be his ticket to convincing the chief to call off an attack. Unfortunately, the chief was not impressed. Instead, he had Audie staked out in the sun, with the prospect of cutting off his eyelids in the next morning , so that the sun would blind him. Unfortunately, while he was so occupied, the wagon train was attacked, and all killed except for the 2 women, whom Audie had hidden in a cave. When he reached the nearby town of Borax, the people wanted to lynch him, because they had heard of the massacre, and blamed him for deserting his post.

This sets that stage for the rest of the film, in which both the town people and Aguila want to kill Audie. Although Aguila refused to believe that a white man would save the life of his son, Tigre's mother believed it. After the braves left their camp, she cut the ropes tying him to the stakes. Audie's good deed toward Tigre would save his life again, when Sheriff Murchoree(Chill Wills) locked him in the town jail for safety against the lynch mob. Tigre recognized that this wasn't going to stop the mob for long. Thus, he descended from the skylight, and freed Audie, they escaping out the back door. But the mob wasn't far behind. They had a shooting match, in which Tigre was mortally wounded, and Audie barely escaped. His horse was shot in the leg, causing it to limp, so when he saw a bunch of horses on a ranch, he asked to borrow one. He was loaned an all-white one named Tumbleweed, which didn't look too promising on initial inspection. But, he would prove his worth several times in Audie's further attempts to escape the posse and an attack by Aguila. I will leave you to see the rest of the story. See it in color at YouTube. Filming took place at Death Valley, Red Rock Canyon, and Vasquez Rocks, all in southern CA.
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