Have a good journey...
24 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Made the cardinal sin of reading reviews before watching the movie. Little middle ground here, people liked it or they didn't. For the newbie to the series, it had many hallmarks (body-horror, psychosexual tension, where did it come from?/now how do we kill it?) of the Alien films. For the hardcore, a semi-return to what made the original film(s) great, yet for the true fan of Prometheus...and thinking that we would finally get to ask the age old questions and receive actual answers from the Engineers themselves on their own turf..it was not to be.

The "God" here seems to suggest that Engineers lead to humans, humans leads to AI and AI develops the Xenomorph to eradicate humanity because somehow humanity is bad and "had their shot" now its some AI's turn to play God...using humans if possible, but otherwise discarding them in furtherance of the consistently trying to perfect the perfect organism.

The track Ridley Scott seems to be taking is once AI finds its ability to uniquely create (and destroy) life, the "humanity" part of the Alien saga ends.

As many of described this movie as a big yawn or "gotcha" movie to show AI creates the Xenomorphs rather than the Engineers or humans, if we are to believe Ridley is loading up at least 2 more films leading to the events of the first film then many of the questions people are left pondering after this film (1. How did the space jockey engineer ship get to LV-426 where the Nostromo eventually finds it? 2. What about an Alien Queen if David is able to simply breed facehuggers without having an ovomorph of some sort--unless he experimented on Shaw for specifically that purpose and found a better way?... 3. How does the crew not realize Walter is actually David until its waaay to late? 4. What exactly does David learn about the Engineers as it relates to development of the Xenomorph that turns him from wanting to help humans/become a God?) are answered somehow by the next 2 films so just sit tight and all will be made clear.

However, judging the film as simply a standalone, while disappointed in the track Ridley took, I felt the film did help shine some light on the varying types of the Alien species (neomorph, xenomorph) and the morphology/embryology behind their creation and maturation whether they were genetically designed that way by David or just the result of failures until he found his successes.

If this film truly is the start of another set of three, then I'm excited to see what this first step ends up with. Yes, the initial setup film in trilogies leaves more questions than answers so enjoy the ride for God's (*wink*) sake!!
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