Surprisingly Good
24 May 2017
I'm an action movie kind of guy. I see every Marvel, DC and transformers movie as soon as they come out. I care not for chick flicks. Luckily my wife doesn't force me to go to them either. I watched this movie because it's our anniversary and I wanted to watch a movie I knew my wife would enjoy. I went into this movie with a Large soda and Large popcorn with the expectation to keep myself energized so that I wouldn't fall asleep on my wife. NOT NEEDED.

This movie didn't have the most action packed story line but the story line was good. They progressed the story at a good pace, not lingering on any one scene too long. They did a good job developing the characters backgrounds and helping you understand everyone and had a nice plot twist at the end that didn't feel rushed as if they had run out of budget. They also didn't linger with the closing.

While this movie didn't make me want to go see other chick flicks or go read the book, I definitely enjoyed this movie. I know that some of the ways they portrayed SCID and people who are disabled isn't necessarily accurate, but it doesn't take away from the quality of the movie. After all, this wasn't a documentary but a romance movie so I'm OK with them taking a few liberties with the portrayal of her condition.
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