Harrowing Tale Set in a Mental Hospital
21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Polly Bergen makes a pretty good mental patient in this stark drama set in a mental hospital. Largely dismissed upon release, this film's worth a look for the acting and cinematography, although it's a little difficult to watch at times.

Lorna Melford (Bergen) has a breakdown and finds herself in a mental hospital under the care of sensitive Dr. MacLeod (Robert Stack). MacLeod wants to reach out and understand his patients in order to treat them. However, head nurse Lucretia Terry (a blustery Joan Crawford) and her snarling assistant Nurse Bracken (Constance Ford) believe that the patients deserve to be beaten up and restrained in metal cages. Among the patients are Barbara Barrie, Janis Paige, and Ellen Corby. A young Van Williams plays McLeod's caring assistant, and a beautiful Susan Oliver stars as a nurse. The film meanders somewhat to a rather confusing ending with a disturbed Edna (Barrie) trying to burn the hospital down.

The script is okay, although Bergen's character has so many relapses that I lost count. Lots of sinister goings-on and screaming punctuate the film, but the acting and photography are very good, and Susan Oliver is great to look at. Worth a look, but be warned this is no feel-good film; you'll likely be a little depressed after watching it.
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