Love Camp 7 (1969)
Squalid Nazi exploitation
13 March 2017
Made in 1969, this is reputedly the first of the Nazi exploitation films but whether that should be looked upon as something to boast about is a moot point. On the one hand the credits say that all the Nazi equipment and regalia was hired out from experts but on the other hand the production leaves a lot to be desired.

Two British female soldiers are sent into a Nazi POW camp where all the inmates are all chosen for their womanly charms in order to please the high-ranking German officers who go there for their off-duty amusement. Surely German generals would take their amusements in palatial chateaux, not in some filthy prison cells as shown in this film. Perhaps so much of the budget was spent on the boys toys that there was none left for decent locations. The acting leaves a lot to be desired as well - the camp commandant, played by the film's director gives a hammy performance, to say the least.

It seems that no-one in this production knew how to film sex scenes. Any excuse was used to get the women naked but there is nothing erotic or titillating in this film. The sex scenes were filmed in the aforementioned filthy cells where the sex was nothing more than the men groping the women to the sound of guttural groans and moans. They did not even bother to take their trousers off.

This may have been the start of the Nazi exploitation genre but this one is surely notorious for all the wrong reasons. Exploitation films are OK in my book but not this one.
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