My 30th Birthday Film: Daro Argento's The Three Mother's Trilogy:part 3.
10 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Oct 2014:

Watching the movie late at night for the 2014 October Horror Challenge on the IMDb Horror board (RIP) I found it to hardly leave me with any lasting memories, partly due to being tied,but also due to the flick being so disconnected from the other two in the series.

Feb 9th 2017:

Whilst trying to decide which of the last 4 titles (one alt cut,and two in need of re-watching) from auteur film maker Dario Argento,I read a review from a fellow IMDber on Argento's Dracula,who said it was not as "entertaining or gratuitous as his bonkers Mother of Tears." After reading this,I decided to pay another visit to the final mother with a new mindset.

View on the film:

Whilst stripping the film of the distinctive appearance of Suspiria and Inferno,co-writer (along with Jace Anderson / Walter Fasano/ Adam Gierasch and Simona Simonetti) director Dario Argento & cinematographer Frederic Fasano unearth a dusty, golden appearance that keeps the horrors linked to the nightmare unearthed.

Tearing the limbs out of anything even slightly subtle,Argento attacks the low budget for a piece of gloriously weird,pure Horror kitsch. Making the end of the world look like a Friday night out,Argento jumps over the limited extras with practical bonkers delights,from gallons of over the top gore and bad CGI ghosts,to a random cheeky monkey and the witches looking like a Goth band.

Criss-crossed from various screenplays written over 30 years,the writers struggle to keep any of the original elements of the first two films intact,with bone-dry scenes involving "research" featuring characters showing illustrations in books for scenes the budget can't cover.

Rolling down an Adventure Horror path,the writers push the mammoth flaws aside for hilariously odd shocks,that leaps from Mandy fighting hobos on the eve of the apocalypse,to Mandy being unable to spank a demonic monkey. Reuniting with her dad, (who lingers a bit too long at her naked body) sexy Asia Argento gives a fittingly peculiar performance as Mandy,who largely appears oddly relaxed at the end of the world,as her dad closes the urn on The Three Mothers.
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