Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
I am astonished by the reviews and score
8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I begin my review by saying that I respect the history and the events that took place in WW2 and I have the utmost respect for the guys who gave their life for that cause. Having said that, let me tell you my opinion about the movie. And only the movie.

Well, first of all I found it dull and uninteresting. The actors were fake. The scenes looked like rehearsals and uncut material. It was split in two half: the first was about nothing (well you could say stubbornness and stupidity because I was made to fell nothing for the main character except annoyed and uninterested) and the second about guts and gore. Did I said the actors looked FAKE? Oh, yeah. But man, oh man that was the main problem for me. The actors looked fake and the entire movie looked like a poorly made joke.

The plot was something like this: let's establish the motives, good. Now the cause... good and now the effects. Perfect. Now we can move on. The audience got it. And so on and so forth. Now lets slip in some romance. You can't have a movie without romance. Good, check! Now let's be jerks about it and make his life uncomfortable in the army, check! But hey, he got beliefs, check! ONE BIG CHECK LIST. No emotion, no heart, no nothing. A dead flat feeling.

Let me tell you few spoilers from the movie that I found to be really bad.

  • the scene where he meets the guys from the army in the barrack. Why in the hell should you put a naked guy (no brains, just muscles) to do pull-ups naked? Why? Because the target audience appreciate it? Little girls can't watch a movie that has no naked buff guys in it? I can only imagine the guys who made that crap scene: OK, guys I have an idea! We will introduce a stupid character that will do pull-ups naked in the barrack. But why? Doesn't matter, but it will be very funny and in that way we please the target audience. And check that out. We will make him run naked outside the barrack because the sergeant wouldn't let him get dressed and he will be forced to run naked during their exercises. Ha ha, so funny, NOT!.

  • the scene where they fight the Japanese. At some point the tough guy in the unit picks up a half dismembered body to use it as a shield and charged the battlefield killing 20 Japanese. WTF? At that point I was laughing and couldn't believe how bad this looks. Mel is becoming senile.

  • another scene when some doctor got wounded and Dodds wanted to give him plasma and the doctor says "No, give it to the other guy I don't know!". And he did. After several minutes we see a scene where Dodds asks about the doctor and another guy says "He didn't make it. He didn't have the plasma". And he makes a stupid face and we as the audience understand everything. WOW that was very educating. It was explained to us like we were some retards and didn't understand the sacrifice he made. Very poorly done. Cheap.

The battle looked like it was made by acrobats all jumping in spectacular ways, turning, twisting. All was about guts and gore. The more gore the better. Its as if the film was thought to get better with every gruesome scene over and over again. But it got worse. At some point after seeing so many body parts it became a joke. It began to fail and I was made to smile at how stupid this looks. Every scene made me think how the directors were scheming and constipating with ideas that were suppose to shock us until they run out of ideas and they just put more guts, gore and blood. That will shock them.

I can continue to rant about this movie as every scene has flaws and doesn't deliver. I wouldn't call this movie an Oscar or even a mention. Mel's only good movie was Braveheart and I stand by that. I cant believe how easy people fall for this violence nonsense mixed with religion and patriotism. Could it be that this a recipe for successful movies? Or we are ashamed to admit this is a crap movie because we are afraid that others will look upon us and accuse us we don't respect history and heroes? Wake up people!
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