Melodramaic Wackiness
27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My Father Is A Hero is a stupid name for a movie. This is one of the few times I'm glad Miramax changed the name (The Enforcer) to appeal to an American audience, otherwise I probably wouldn't watch this movie at all because I would assume this was some stupid melodramatic piece of **** with one fight scene or whatever.

Well, technically it is still melodramatic about a father who subconsciously feels that fighting crime is more important than his brat and dying wife. The drama is so not convincing and it's rather pathetic. I didn't care at all about the dying wife and the neglected brat. I did, however, like Jet Li's character and the main villain is wonderfully malignant.

This movie is somewhat one of those "so bad it's good" type of films. Why? It mostly points towards the kid and some of the goofy action sequences. The scene when the main antagonist threw the kids face into a glass table and punched him in the face in bloody like fashion was hilarious. Plus the fight scene when these guys were trying to chop the kid with cleavers were funny. It's like "Jesus, what is wrong with these people?"

The action is where this movie shines. The action choreography is great but sometimes it's completely illogical and corny. But hey, it's what makes HK action movies great.

In conclusion: The drama was lame and not convincing but the action and the acting performance of Jet Li and some of the absurd crap in this movie is what keeps it from sucking hard.
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