Doomsday Gun (1994 TV Movie)
I Could've been really good
20 January 2017
I've read a book about the super gun ,and the man behind it.(Can't remember if it was fiction or biography)But I find they portray of him in this film,extremely naive. They go to great lengths to portray him as a big child,who just wanna realize his dream, of building the biggest gun ever.

If it was meant as a kid movie that might have worked out well. But since this a movie for adult about real events(though I'm sure they've taken huge liberties with the truth)And he has worked with agency's all over the world,he seem quite willfully ignorant of the threat they are to him. He just goes on and on, about how wonderfully it will be that his invention works.

He seem to have no conception of how dangerous it will be, that Saddam wanna brag and show off a model of this doomsday cannon, on a international public arms convention. Even though he knows the people after him are quite serious about stopping him. The fact that America in the movie, think they can decate Israel is kind of amusing. Everyone with half a brain,knows it's the otherway around
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