Time to put this franchise on ice forever!
14 January 2017
Original is not a word that comes to mind when watching the fifth (yes FIFTH) entry in this tired, worn, quite frankly burned out franchise.

What does come to mind however is the fact this franchise has gone on for far too long.

If you can't come up with any original ideas and you have to scrap the deepest barrel for the most unoriginal idea as possible, it's time to go.

If you can't keep your characters fresh and funny and make them more boring, dull and annoying to watch, it's time to go.

If you're out of jokes to use and you pull some random rabbit out of a hat and it's a rabbit that says "Think of some really bad jokes mate.", it's time to go.

If you have 4 (yes, I do mean 4) writers and not one of them can give any good dialogue out, it's time to go.

And when a franchise that is constantly dead in the water is still going like THIS, it's time to go.

I don't care if these films still make money, Fox, it's time to put this franchise on ice forever!
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