Shin Godzilla (2016)
The First Time I've been disappointed by a Toho Godzilla movie!!
11 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a die-hard Godzilla fan, I have been watching all of his original movies from Toho many times (well except Godzilla's Revenge) and I have always had a good time watching my favourite dinosaur (not lizard) cause chaos. I am not really a fan of the American reboots but the 2014 film was decent at best, far better than the atrocious 1998 reboot.

When Toho announced another Godzilla movie, I was hyped just like anyone else, I wanted this new Godzilla to be the start of a new series (which it may be, who knows) that I could enjoy. To say that I have mixed feelings would be an understatement. Firstly I can appreciate the nods to the original films, if you grew up with the Showa series as I did, you will instantly recognise the sound effects which I loved.

Secondly I can understand that they wanted to make a serious Godzilla movie much like the 1954 original as well as the 1984/2000 reboots.

However none of this can improve a horrible design of Godzilla, I really don't like this new look, horrible twiggy arms, tiny eyes, super long tail and worst of all, absolutely no expression. It feels like your looking at a huge statue who (slowly) walks by and barely does anything. The only decent part was his atomic breath which looked awesome and some destruction scenes, but the rest, not so much.

Apart from the iconic monster's look, this film just contains too much political satire, too many meetings and not much else. Again I can understand a different approach, but when I go to watch a Godzilla movie I want to entertained not bored out of my wits. Much has been said of the three forms in the movie so I won't elaborate on that, but lets just say the CGI is average at best. I am very disappointed Toho didn't go with practical effects (suitmation) but again we can't have everything.

If your a major Godzilla fan, chances are you've already seen this, but for those who haven't, it's definitely worth watching, just don't expect anything special. I never thought I would say this, but I actually prefer the 2014 Godzilla movie over this and coming from a die-hard Toho Godzilla fan, it's the first time ever an American reboot was superior.
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