Shady Film at best that attempts and fails to toss live grenades at the USA.
9 January 2017
This so-called documentary by the anti-American Austrailian journalist, John Pilger, fails to give solid evidence to historical facts and present realizations. Pilger has been a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy for many years and using his available clout to undermine even his own countries role in past and present worldly skirmishes.

Even the title of this film, 'The Coming War on China,' sets against his own past rhetorical statements and incites from the start that perhaps a military 'war' is coming, rather than one of economic measures. Something that he was not successful at exposing anywhere within this film. He cites uncontested Islands in the South China Seas, whereas those Islands he cited have been contested prior to the making of this film and where several countries went to International courts over the Island chains - Philippines owns the Islands, so the International Courts say.

He cites one rape that occurred in Okinawa nearly 50 years ago by a U.S. Marine, stating that the incident caused an International scandal that is still felt to this day, but fails to present pro and con on that grievous incident.

The only valid merit I saw in the file were some excerpts of films past, i.e., the citizens of the Marshal Islands, Okinawa, etc. His discounting interviewing style 'embedded' words into the mouths of those he interviewed. He painted a picture of pure negativism from the USA towards the peaceful 'non-capitalist' country of China.

Historical fact does not prevail itself well in his film, whereas, it can be seen in any obvious form that his own ideology shows through in living color. And yet... this film has a 7.2 rating thus far - I don't get it, I don't wish to encourage his blatant attacks, and I don't recommend this film to anyone else.
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