Liked it, but couldn't quite love it.
29 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I alternated between being charmed and a bit put off by actor Daniel Auteuil's directorial debut -- a sweet (sometimes sticky sweet) re-make of Marcel Pagnol's 1940 film. The film is a bit odd tonally; alternating between occasional bathetic intense emotion (scored to opera at times no less), and being a slightly too convenient and cute comedy of manners.

Some modest spoilers ahead.

Auteuil plays a working-class paterfamilias with 5 daughters, including an 18 year old favorite he has seen only as a perfect angel. But now she has brought the family to shame by getting pregnant by a rich and handsome local boy, who promptly leaves to fight in WW I -- and her father turns on her and casts her out.

The film seems to want to have it both ways – we're told to feel bad for the cruel banishment of the daughter, but not TOO bad, since in the end dad (now grandpa) has to prove to be a good guy at heart. Auteuil - an actor I usually really enjoy – gives a slightly hammy (if admittedly amusing) performance, bouncing a bit too far back and forth between near monster and adorable gruff old guy. Also slightly problematic; the young couple are beautiful, but there's not a ton of spark there either individually or as a duo.

There are some very good scenes, and I was extremely taken by Kad Merad in a supporting role as an endearing 40ish friend/employee of the father who is hopelessly in love with the young daughter. For all the rough spots, I modestly enjoyed the film. It's just that there were hints of a terrific movie early on, so when it ended up as just a nice, old-fashioned and somewhat predictable one, there was a sense of disappointment.
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