FirstBorn (2016)
A Lack Of Communication
29 December 2016
A very familiar story where a baby is born and any endless sleepless nights aren't being caused by a baby's bawling . You've seen this before and almost certainly done better

To be fair this is low budget Brit flick so the options for premises are limited and just be thankful we don't have to endure chav scum being stalked in a tower block . We should also be thankful that we don't have any Catholic priests wanting to be left alone with baby

This is where the problem lies . There are a couple of characters who are surrogate exorcist type merchants but their involvement in the plot are contrived and seem to exist to fill in the audience about what is happening and why it is happening . Worse still is that the exposition doesn't give enough clarity and found myself continually confused

As I said the producers have taken a well trodden path and thankfully it doesn't lead to council estate scumville but it's still an underdeveloped story
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