The doctor that doesn't follow orders
20 December 2016
Haven't we met some of those in the past already?

"Fragile" is another doctor show that follows the 'I-will-not-follow-the-rules-and-I-am-always-right' model, with Tomoya Nagase (still well remembered by his yakuza role in "My Boss, My Hero") as a doctor with very clear ideas. The twist to the series: this doctor is a pathologist, so he really doesn't need to see any patient.

And the show starts on a high note. Nagase can play the role in his sleep and the rest of the cast orbits around him keeping the interest. The first cases are good enough, and we get an idea of how the hospital and its workers function (nothing you have not seen anywhere else).

Unfortunately, the story doesn't evolve. Yes, we get some side stories, but there is no character arc, and from the very beginning we can see any plot development coming our way. And the stories that should get us more interested in the characters fail to bring much to the table, the story of this pathologist and his team fizzling and crumbling as the episodes go by.

Not a bad series, but nothing special either.
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