"If you think the '90s were gay, you should have seen the '80s!"
9 December 2016
Newspaper reporter makes a name for himself by scandalizing in print a beloved showgirl, known abroad as "The Yankee Sensation". She counteracts by telling his rivals it's all a publicity stunt and that she and the reporter are actually in love. Musical remake by 20th Century-Fox of their 1937 hit "Love is News", which starred Loretta Young; this version, filmed in gloppy Technicolor, is just an excuse to show-off their latest find, Betty Grable, who has presence but no funny lines (and a dearth of memorable songs). As the reporter, Robert Young doesn't even have presence. Fox tried again with this story in 1948 under the title "That Wonderful Urge", starring Gene Tierney. Strictly for Grable-buffs. ** from ****
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