Point Break (2015)
No dead presidents
2 December 2016
Point Break was rebooted in 2001, it was called The Fast and the Furious where the surfing was replaced by street car racing.

This remake sees extreme sports athlete Johnny Utah (Luke Bracey) who after losing a friend when a motocross stunt goes wrong goes on to become a FBI agent some years later. His boss Hall (Delroy Lindo) sends him to investigate a series of elaborate heists from a gang who behave like Robin Hood robbers.

Utah believes that the group are taking part in the Ozaki 8, eight spiritually extreme sport challenges that coincide with the daring robberies. Utah infiltrates the gang which is led by Bodhi (Édgar Ramírez.)

In its own right the film starts brightly enough with plenty of CGI enhanced action but later on the film actually comes to a stop in the non action sequences when the characters just talk. The film then becomes boring and after a while even the action scenes just get duller. The colour grading is awful making the film look cheap despite the international locations.

The original Point Break directed by Kathryn Bigelow, who would go on to become the first female Oscar winning director found a zeitgeist of Generation X sports action thriller with well staged action sequences. Although not the greatest actors around, Bigelow got charismatic turns from Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze and sturdy support from Gary Busey as Reeves FBI boss.

The remake lacks all of this even though it tried to go on a new direction. I tried to give it a break and approached it with an open mind but alas it is a poor film.
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