Not very good action movie
23 November 2016
Gon is a killer whose new mission is to get some data and then kill the woman that has it, a woman that happens to be the mother of a little child he killed by accident on his last mission. Of course, Gon grows a conscience and decides to betray his bosses and safe the woman.

"No Tears for the Dead" is not the most original movie in the basket. It is predictable, lame and you will see any plot development from a mile away. It doesn't help that the pace and direction are not very good, and the action scenes are shrouded in darkness making everything quite difficult (and boring) to follow. The acting ranges from B-movie level to okeish to I-don't-know-I-was-an-actor level, and the lead actor, Dong-gun Jang, fails miserably in bringing any charisma to Gon. Min-hee Kim as Mo-kyeong, the woman who may or may not have the data the triads are searching for, fares better, as does also Brian Tee with a paper-thin character that is just there to allow him to look cool.

An action movie should at least have some cool action, and action scenes that make sense and are entertaining. "No Tears for the Dead" forgot the action rule-book home and offers neither of them.
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