16 November 2016
Like allot of reviewers, This is like my generations version of the Big Chill. The plot sounds weak- the day after a big bash 80's style party of 2 children taking care of the house they grew up in before the parents sell it. But you know. This works. All the characters are interesting. From the former child star who really pulls out a real shocking secret to the group to all the various subplots. Music is spot on, brought back memories of mine back in the 1980's. Eric Stoltz is hilarious as the stoner guy who lived up the street who crashes the party and brings his crazy personality to the fold. Funny seeing Ione Skye here which I haven't seen her in a movie since 20 years earlier in Say Anything. So this sorta fits into the plot. I never see this on cable anymore, yet they play tons of crappy movies on a constant basis. If you can find this anywhere and are from a generation that grew up in the 80's this should hit the spot on memory lane.
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