The Accountant does not add up.
15 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In this silly convoluted tale that seems to take place in a vacuum somewhere in Illinois Ben Affleck's stilted acting abilities find a home as an adult savant with autism. As Ben belts out his monotone performance we are treated to some major heat and flash of copious violence, ancillary padding and remarkable coincidence before it is all put to rest with a touching reunion mid- massacre.

Christian Wolfe (Affleck) is a brilliant numbers guy who has cooked the books for some heavy hitters throughout the world. He has become enormously wealthy (Renoir and a Pollock adorn his Airstream) but all the money in the world cannot normalize his ability to communicate with humans. With the Treasury Department chasing him for evasion he takes on a legitimate payday with a Fortune 500 like company but they are knee deep in a multi-million dollar skimming scheme and Christian has to revert to his other specialties to win the day.

As Terminator with a CPA, Affleck's wooden Wolfe lacks the Austrian accent but remains Arnold like in an All-American way. Besides being brilliant around spread sheets he is also a superb shot with all types of weapons as well as a karate kid, not bad for a child with a handicap.

The most amazing thing about Christian though is his ability to hide in plain sight while he wipes out poorly shaven baddies with computer game efficiency while Treasury agents sit around and wax nostalgic about their imperfect pasts.

Director Gavin O'Connor directs with a heavy hand as scenes sink into bathos, his entire cast, save for when there is action, looking fatigued. Building his story like a sloppy sandwich you won't be able to fit into your mouth with banal subplots he attempts to give the film an emotional pull through flashback but the story stretches credulity constantly while the abysmal climax of discovery and gore is so dreadfully paced, the surprises along the way anything but, While it does have its books in order for a sequel the Accountant, nevertheless, goes bankrupt in no time.
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