Moore manipulates for the good, I admire his bravery
31 October 2016
I pretty much agree with everything said about Moore's great ability to communicate his ideas so as to persuade his audience. While he is doing it he goes over the top to sound like the people he is trying to persuade, then over the top to show the possible consequences of their beliefs or practices. This movie is similar in that way. Moore brilliantly makes his points while filming a live "lecture" with a few films and audio clips thrown in to drive things home a bit. Even the staging of talking from a podium, then from a work desk, then moving to an easy chair, like he is talking to you from his living room, shows you the steps he is moving through in his message. Very well thought out and executed. He also uses humor extremely well, getting both political sides laughing. My husband and I laughed many times during the film. We think his points are very valid and that the manipulation he used was only necessary to get people to listen to those points and concerns.

One other thing strikes me about this film - the timing of it's release (18 days before the election) and extreme financial risk of making it in a lecture format. Very different. I wonder if folks will give this film any attention after this election? He gives scenarios for how the world will change if Donald or Hillary is elected. The scenario about Trump taking office is laid out in great detail.

Honorable mentions: I really liked the way Moore describes how differently men and women are viewed, especially in politics. I was also happy that there was little mention of sex scandals (just a passing reference to the Clinton/Lewinski scandal) and no mention of emails. So sick of both of those.

I recommend this film to everyone, especially BEFORE voting on Nov. 8, and even after the election to see if Moore was right.
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