Review of The 4th Floor

The 4th Floor (1999)
"The 4th Floor" Summary
24 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this film, even though the mass majority leaves it with a 5.7, I say it was a 7. I believe the movie is severely under rated. It was a great story. Not only great, it was realistic. It isn't your everyday slasher/monster movie. It's very original.

Juliet Lewis plays a great character, and you know what, she kind of looks like she would be an interior designer, like she is in the movie. She plays the part perfect. The only thing that I DON'T like about the movie, that isn't realistic, is how she just inherited her aunts apartment. You don't just inherit apartments. Unless the law is different in New York, I thought only something you owned directly could be written in a Will? I'm not sure, but if it were a condo it would've been more convincing, which is one reason I gave the movie a 7 instead of an 8.

Juliet Lewis is trying to settle down in her apartment, after the murder of her aunt. As she moves her belongings into the apartment, weird stuff starts happening. A neighbor starts destroying the floor from a bottom apartment, rats start showing up by the hundreds, and other weird notes start appearing. Apparently, someone doesn't want her there. At this point anyone would know it's one of the people living in the building. That's a given. It's just who? She meets all of them, and they all seem nice. However, that's not enough to convince her to move into her weather broadcaster boyfriends country home. She wants to stay where she is, and live on her own for awhile. As she does, she continues to experience these weird encounters.

She eventually gets a package that reveals a picture of her dead aunt buried under a bunch of packing peanuts. This freaks her out. There's rumors throughout the building that floor floor houses this person who never comes out. A homebody who she thinks is trying to sabotage her. Of course the person is on the fourth floor...

Towards the end, she breaks an entering into the infamous apartment four. She discovers who ever lives there is a psycho path. You get to find out who this is, and when you do, you'll be surprised. Although, what I like about the surprise, is that there's a surprise behind the surprise. It's definitely a eye opener to Juliet's character.

Juliet Lewis eventually gets in a fight with this person, and a guy comes and knocks the person out from behind. Then, the person gets up again, runs after her, and is threw down the stairwell by her boyfriend who decides to visit. She then decides to finally move in with him on the country side.

At the end, a certain person watched what went on in the fourth floor apartment, and painted a picture on a canvas of what he ob served earlier. It was a painting of her boyfriend negotiating with this psychopath. So, the boyfriend is willing to do anything for possession. The certain person he negotiated with was nuts, and used the whole building as a fortress. I will not give the reader all of the the person did, it is worth watching for.

An overall summary would conclude that the acting was good and the story was believable. There was just some parts that the viewer would be saying "yeah right." Some logic was just poorly used in the script. All in all, I think this movie deserves more than a 5.7 rating. It's good for a one time watch.
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