This show is very good but edgy....
23 October 2016
Most of the reviews here that are bad are likely from Trump voters who, when they hear "White Sale", think that there's a sale at the KKK store for new Klan robes.

This show is actually very funny. Of course, some of the language is going to be edgy, like when a character says "My nig." (Not once have I heard "nigger".), but that's because most of America did not grow up in the inner city/urban areas such as South Central or Watts or Carson in Los Angeles where such phrases are commonplace.

Every character is a satire of other stereotypes in the real world.

For instance, "Malik" who is a grade-schooler is your Malcolm-X / Spike Lee / Michael Evans character from Good Times taken up a notch. He's the future Black Panther who rides a Big Wheel and chases the ice cream man's truck.

"Milk" is a "wigger". His mom is drug-taking, Botox-injecting, breast- implanted pleasant blonde bimbo. His Jewish step-father is totally square and apparently a closet racist.

If you experienced all of the Norman Lear comedies in the 1970s and throw in What's Happening meets early South Park, you'll have a good idea of what this show is about.

It is funny on ethnic satire grounds, but some things are just funny no matter what your ethnicity. Milk's mother "popping a tire" in her lips and having to get a Botox injection to recover her smile is one such example. Another example is when Milk's dog steals Milk's blow-up doll for masturbation and Jamal sees the dog with the doll and says "It looks like Milk's boo is going to get it doggie-style."

Those bitching about poor animation don't get it that this is the intent.

Seriously, this is a very good show. I haven't laughed this hard since the Medicinal Fried Chicken episode of the once-funny South Park in the scene in which all the men have testicular cancer and stoned on weed are bouncing around the town on their swollen testicles like Hippity Hops.
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