Shin Godzilla (2016)
Gino 2.0: it came from Japan!
13 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Shin Godzilla directed by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi, also written by Hideaki Anno. The movie is good but it's not great, I feel like Japanese critics really overrated this movie. Before I start with the pros I should get this out of the way, for me this was not a Godzilla movie.This is just an alien to me, all the changes like the split jaw,thin ass lasers and the ability to evolve in to anything and that ending.This is not Godzilla to me!


-Generally solid acting all around and some cool cameos from a bunch of Japanese actors and directors.

-The movies pacing is fast and the shots move extremely quickly, even though 80% of this film is board room meetings.

-Great camera work and good cinematography, pretty artsy at times.

-The sound track is a mix of classic tracks from old Godzilla movies and new stuff. It's good but doesn't always fit whats happening on screen perfectly.

-There's a lot of symbolism which is always good.

-The satire in this movie is genuinely very funny and is probably the best thing about the film.

-The special effects are generally solid, there a mix of mostly cgi and some practical effects.


Sometime the dialogue is so fast that it becomes fatiguing reading the subtitles.

-There are a couple of really ugly special effects shots

-can be unintentionally funny at times

-The second act of the movie is very weak, it begins to get repetitive and theirs no tension what so ever because the monster is asleep. It starts to drag and get very boring.

  • Certain tracks on the soundtrack don't always fit to well with scenes there playing over.


-Shin Godzilla is is not Gojira, a mutated fish that shoots purple lasers and can asexually reproduce, no thank you Toho

-There's a character that is an American representative, her acting is bad and she speaks English worse then some of the Japanese characters, which doesn't make any sense

  • Retreads old ground very similar story to almost any other monster movie, in particular Return of Godzilla

The monster gets a modest amount of screen time, you'll get to see it every couple of minutes.In the second act there is a large portion of the movie were the monster is asleep and during this moment the movie does start to drag a little.There's quite a bit of political commentary on Japan and obvious reference to events that have recently happened there, unfortunately the messages get jumbled up. 7/10 not a Godzilla movie for me, but a good monster for sure.
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