Collect the dog tags
2 October 2016
Captain Errol Flynn (Nelson) leads a unit of men into the Burmese jungle to destroy a radar depot that the Japanese have hidden. The mission is to locate this depot, destroy it and then get out. Well, Flynn and his men succeed in the first two tasks but the 'get out' part of the mission proves a lot more difficult.

Reporter Henry Hull (Mark) is assigned to go along with Flynn's men to report what really happens. Personally, I find this completely objectionable. Why do we think the media has the right to go everywhere, it's bonkers. One place they should not be is getting in the way during wartime. Anyway, his lack of training as a soldier is evident by the end of the film. His character is a good one, though and we get a nice rapport between him and Flynn.

Flynn leads proceedings and does well as do all the cast that includes an amusing George Tobias (Gabby). He's not funny in a comedy character sense – none of that nonsense in this film – but in his no-nonsense views about things. It's a long film but it is enjoyable and we get a jungle setting complete with jungle sounds that may or may not be codes being passed on. We also get silences and tense scenes as well as being included in the preparations for the mission which I found interesting, eg, the parachute lineup with every man given his number and an explanation of how the jump is going to work. If your parachute doesn't open, then you'll be the first on the ground, Flynn tells the reporter. Ha ha.

We get a tense finale as the Japanese encroach upon what is left of Flynn's unit. "Where are you, Joe?"
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