Looks Like It's Over...
26 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Contains major spoilers. Don't read if you haven't yet seen the movie.

Well... I can't say it was a bad movie, but I still felt a bit disappointed. First of all, Bridget no longer looks like Bridget. What happened to "I will always be a little bit fat"? Being chubby was the character's trademark. Now that she's skinny, she's a lot less likable (in my opinion at least). And what's with her face? Botox overload?

A lot of the time I noticed that bits from other movies were used, particularly "Sex and the City". And, as another reviewer here mentioned, - the excessive product placement is kind of annoying at times.

And, of course, I don't understand the need for constant use of the F-word. It is said in every other sentence throughout the movie. They even have a child say it. Uncalled for.

In order to take the Jack story seriously, one will have to suspend disbelief entirely. Do you really think that a millionaire celebrity will have unprotected sex with a random not-particularly-attractive 40-something broad? And then chase her around begging to be her child's father (when he's not even sure it's his)? And to top it off, he sticks around after she marries Darcy and becomes best mates with him. Would something like this happen in real life? I think not.

Plus, what was the point in all of this? We all knew right from the start that she was going to end up with Mark Darcy whatever the case might have been with the baby.

Another thing that bothered me, was when Bridget asked her father if he thought she belonged on Jerry Springer. It's an American show that isn't broadcast on British television. The Brits have the Jeremy Kyle show, so I'm not sure where the Jerry Springer reference came from.

Also, it's just not the same without Hugh Grant. With two male protagonists, it gets kind of boring.

The lame ending was probably the most offensive thing about this movie. How banal. So, after all, Bridget concludes that the only way for a woman to find fulfilment in life, is to get hitched and punch out a rugrat. Yawn.

The good thing is that we get to see a lot of familiar faces, and some of the jokes are actually chuckle-worthy.

So, like I said, it's not a bad movie, but I expected... something different. There's nothing really wrong with it - the cast is good and so is the acting, the script is engaging, the dialogue is fine (except for the constant cursing, of course). I guess it just doesn't have the same "spunk" anymore. It just feels "tired" and... "over".

Makes you wonder if they will make another movie after this. If so, what's it going to be? "Bridget Jones the desperate housewife" or "Bridget Jones's adventures in the retirement home"?
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