Wacky mystery/adventure with some substance
26 September 2016
This is a goofy mystery/adventure, but it isn't just funny. The drama adds something to it. We learn a lot about various characters, and the movie ends up having more substance than one would expect.

Fran Kranz, who is a man, makes an appealing loser.

J.K. Simmons delivers his usual great performance. His best line is in a scene where he denies working with Clinton.

Clinton looks like Bronson Pinchot went to Howard Wolowitz's barber, though later he looks more grown-up, resembling Andy Samberg.

Nikki Reed is also very good. The best example is her grief over the loss of her cat, which is quite genuine and not funny at all.

Leonardo Nam shows a lot more range to his character than just the stoned wacko we meet at the store. Is he crafty like Eddie Haskell, or is the guy at the store not the real Yi?

Greg Kinnear is very good as the celebrity store manager known for his outrageous commercials. But he is so much more than that.

Even Blythe Danner seems at home here. She has a reputation, but then so does J.K. Simmons, and both of them add so much to what could have been merely silly.

And the music is great. Most of it is some type of jazz, with the "film noir" style with muted trumpet the most common.

It's really worth seeing.
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