This series really went down hill, and I'm sad to say it
17 September 2016
I've seen all the "Ice Age" films in the cinema.. Except for this one. And I'm glad I didn't. It fascinating to see how weirdly this series evolved over time.

I remember going to see "Ice Age" in cinemas in 2002 and having a great experience. The first movie really hit the mark for me when I was young. I thought it was good how grounded it was, yes it had jokes, but it was all grounded in the era the film took place in. A kid could enjoy all of the humor, but at the same time learn a little bit of prehistoric animals. It had its serious moments too. Like for example, it showed the humans hunting mammoths and the saber-tooth tigers hunting as well.

Now this series has gone overboard and exaggerated everything. It opens with Scrat the squirrel basically destroying the solar system with a space ship. I mean, what happened? How did we end up here? The movies just got more and more ridiculous every time. I liked it when the threats and settings felt real, because I could fear for what could happen to the characters. And sad thing is, they had a chance of a having a threat like that with the meteor. But guess why the meteor is gonna hit the Earth? It's because Scrat smashed into it with the space ship. Look, I can suspend my disbelief and believe that Scrat can survive a few falls from a cliff and land in the snow, but surviving in space in nothing but a helmet?

I know these are for kids and you should have fun, but at least have it grounded like the first two movies. As a kid I liked that these films weren't just sitcoms with immortal characters, I liked that they could dare to be serious and even be emotional sometimes (like Pixar you could argue). I praised Blue Sky studios for balancing the serious scenes with comedic ones. One of their first short films is called "Bunny" and I watched it on the Ice Age VHS tape as one of the bonus features. It's a short that has a lot of heart to it and it had an impact on me.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding way too negative here. These are my opinions and I gave the movie a chance, but it lost me as soon as Scrat went to space. I for one don't like how the series has gotten more exaggerated and less true to what the first one did so well. The best thing about it is hearing the original voice actors reprise their roles. The overall animation is pretty nice too.
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