Review of MI-5

MI-5 (2015)
A very British film makes it easy to miss the point
21 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm guessing from the spelling and turn of phrase that a lot of the reviews for this film are from Americans. A lot of the same reviews accuse it of being racist and clichéd with a "middle eastern terrorist bad guy" (he's actually Pakistani but why let geography get in the way?). I guess you need the same mind set as the makers of this film to realise the terrorists are the victims and the bad guys, as they usually were in the Spooks series, are the British. There's a particularly British mind set that distrusts authority figures and thinks they are usually corrupt or at least overly self interested and its in plain view throughout: Harry isn't searching for terrorists, he's looking for a traitor. The final show down isn't guns blazing as terrorists die in a hail of bullets, it's two people sat in a living room talking.

It's the same mind set that birthed writers like John La Carre and stories like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. It produces slow burning paranoid stories rather than big explosions and gun fights that feature in American cinema. Maybe that's the problem, it's a story style better suited to the small screen and the cinema should be left to the other film this year called MI5
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