Review of Hangar 10

Hangar 10 (2014)
Ignore the hate. People are idiots.
13 August 2016
Ignore the hate. People are just idiots and expect the wrong things.

The low scores must have come from low brows all wanting massive FX budgets and big casts and big sets. This is a low budget story.

HANGAR 10 is a 'found footage' movie, yet another one. But it doesn't suck for several reasons:

The cast are good.

The tension builds and builds.

There are some jump scares and genuinely unsettling moments.

The camera footage isn't just random "OOh! Something is happening so we must point out the ground!" rubbish. It actually manages to stay on-point.

The later scenes get weirder and weirder.

The ending is just explosive.


* Some of the CG is a bit weak in the body of the film, but it gets better as the film goes, and the stuff at the climax is astounding.

* The film goes a bit slow towards the end, and they start repeating themselves a bit, but it doesn't last long and suddenly the end-game story is upon you. It's not a boring film. Unless you are a moron with the attention span of a sparrow.

Normally I'm not a huge fan of these films, but they've been creeping up and up on me as I find better and better ones. This is a good one.

Haters gonna be morons, y'know?



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