Review of Stonewall

Stonewall (2015)
4.4 ?????
16 July 2016
I loved this movie. Even though the subject matter occurred about 15 years before I was the lead character, my experience was in Chicago, so the difference in the time-line was only about 10 years. Im not going to comment about the acting, direction, cinematography, etc, What I need to say, is that this, albeit earlier, is by far the most realistic portrayal of what my life was really like when I first started to experience the gay scene in Chicago. I am also from Indiana, which I thought was a funny coincidence. Many of the reviews refer to cookie cutter characters, or lisping portrayals of the gay characters. Honey, for the most part way back then, for whatever reason, there was a lot more effeminism (?) frequenting the tiny hole in the wall bars and that was still the case well into the 80's. If you want to know what it was really like for a person quite similar to Danny's character, ignore the poor (ridiculous) rating and reviews and watch this very accurate film!!! At least for how it portrays what gay life was really like. If not what the Stonewall riots were like, though from all the literature I've read it seems pretty spot on to me.
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