Waste of time
31 July 2016
How could anyone spend so much money to annoy an audience?

I felt like I was in a very bad video game. People flying through the air grabbing others who are flying in opposite directions. So much noise like a transformers movie...bang, clang, boom! I felt nothing for the characters at all...I did not care if they lived or died. The grade school attempt to make us feel something between Spock and his reliable squeeze breaking up or....was well, grade school.

Spock sounded more like a stand up comedian than a Vulcan.

The dialogue was so contrived and pushed....no natural flow at all.

I walked out with over 40 minutes left...I never do that but it was annoying to me...I just could not listen to it any more.

I thought the first one was fantastic....Chris Pine had done it! but like Pirates of the Caribbean and some other great firsts....the more they make the worse it gets...the second was just OK....this one? a waste of time!

And....I see on IMDb that the next one is already tooled up to go...NO!!!
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