Not a worthless film, but you can do a lot better in this genre
29 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A disappointing peplum with horror touches, especially regretful given that one of my favourite all-time directors, Antonio Margheriti, is at the helm. Whether it's the typically poor dubbing job - it would have helped if they had picked voice-over artists who could actually put emotion and inflection into their voices - or the apparent lack of interest of everyone involved, who simply go through the paces, this is below the average for an Italian peplum film. Even Margheriti can't hide his low budget this time around, with grotty locations and a lack of conviction in the easily-burnt down sets. The action sequences highlight actors who are simply going through the paces, swinging their swords with a lack of energy, and the plot itself is very simple and doesn't hold together. One thing that is surprising is the twist ending, hinted at in the film's American title, that Hercules himself is the monster that has been terrorising the community as a result of the potion he has been given by an evil witch.

I bought this film on the strength of an enthusiastic review claiming that we get to see Hercules battling "werewolves" in this movie. I'm always a fan of the peplum/horror combinations so my hopes were high for this movie. What a letdown. The "werewolves" are little more than half-naked guys covered in yak-hair and bad make-up, who jump on top of people a lot and just look like what they are, scrawny guys in bad make-up. The immortal character of Hercules doesn't even have many enemies to fight, and lies around for ages in a cave after being injured by one such "werewolf".

Reg Park takes the central role of Hercules (originally Ursus) but his character here is far less developed than in, say, HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN. It doesn't help that Park is wooden in the part - a fault of most, if not all, bodybuilders turned actors. At least this guy's physique is impressive and matched only by Schwarzenegger's in sheer bulk. The supporting cast includes the dependable Ettore Manni, wasted in a dull part, and the usual Italian glamour ladies, but there's not a lot here to get excited about. Even Margheriti seems rather half-hearted in his direction, for there are no memorable scenes. At least I can forgive him, for it was early in his career, but I expected more from the man who gave us CASTLE OF BLOOD. Not a totally worthless film but you can do a lot better in this genre and it disappoints throughout.
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