What the hype is all about.
20 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see infomercials, yet have heard that Tony Robbins is a friend of a trusted friend, so that piqued my interest.Sadly, when I watch a film listed as a documentary,I'm expecting journalism,which means the film maker should check the material before release. this wasn't done for I'm not your Guru. If you're one of millions that haven't spent between 5 and 10 grand to fly, stay and attend these self help for the masses, you might be curious what the hype's all about. In this film, that'll be answered, with bias.As Tony Robbins admits, were in the age of entertainment. This film shows very select bits or clips carefully hand picked from one of Tony Robbins Date with Destiny self help events with approx 2500 attendees. It appears as if Tony had final approval for the finished product. If you're curious about what people pay so much for, this is the longest advertisement for his seminars you'll see.

The worst part of the film for me, aside from the two hour advertisement to sell more seats to Tony's seminar/events, are the following offensive aspects: 1) I don't like someone teaching communication techniques that has the vocabulary of a 12-year old with a foul mouth; hear me out; which Tony justifies as part of the process- that it shocks the attendees into awareness. He says he deliberately breaks linguistic taboos. I totally disagree. When someone throws "f" bombs in every other sentence it tells me a) he should wear a tattoo across his forehead "no gentleman here": b)expletives repeated over and over and over reveals the speakers lack of educated intelligent communication skills to articulately express concepts that might be helpful. 2) A documentary in my opinion shouldn't serve as an advertisement for a product without thorough fact checking, it's a cheap way for Tony to recruit more attendees. The release on Netflix was timed with promotional give aways and contests that also should have fine print carefully examined. 3)I expect a critical journalistic expose of our cultures religious, self-help, pseudo-psych gurus, leaders, and charlatans. This film did none of the above. I was disappointed to see it as an extended length infomercial of Tony Robbins.(Anthony J. Mahavoric). If you're already a convert, you might like it. If you're already an Oprah fan you might like it. If your a person that feels these programs are run by unqualified, hacks that do as much damage or more than good, this won't help you learn anything new, except how the masses buy what they've been sold hook line and sinker...Baaah baaah baa little sheepykins...follow along now. If you are curious about what the masses are paying thousands of hard earned dollars for, this will give you a glimpse at the typical followers, the demographics of his attendees, and carefully chosen Tony Robbins flattering film bits or bytes. Spoiler Alert:

I complain that the filmmakers didn't research Tony's life well enough, for this to be deemed a "Documentary". During the film Tony makes statements about his personal past that aren't substantiated or fact checked. I enjoy well made Documentary films, I watch to learn. I think the title/genre carries a responsibility for the filmmaker to do more and present beyond the singular support of promotion to the cause.
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