Review of Demolition

Demolition (2015)
The Vidiot Reviews...
10 July 2016

The simplest way to demolition your home is to rent it out on Airbnb.

Mind you, the widower in this drama finds it more cathartic to raze it himself.

Unable to cope with the death of his wife, or the guilt his father-in-law is projecting towards him, ridged investment banker Davis (Jake Gyllenhaal) takes out his frustrations in a series of complaint letters to a vending machine company.

Touched by his confessions, a customer service rep (Naomi Watts) makes contact. Eventually Davis befriends her and her sexually confused son, much to the chagrin of her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Davis is also busy dismantling his dream home in hopes of finding some closure.

While it's a well-intentioned work of post-mortem inspiration with a moving performance from Gyllenhaal, Demolition's unconventional relationships and forced profundity come off as unrealistic and manipulative.

Besides, instead of destroying your dead's wife's wardrobe just re-marry someone her size.

Yellow Light
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