An eye opener to the world behind Apple! 6/10
6 June 2016
Review: After seeing the 2 Steve Jobs movies, starring Ashton Kutcher and Michael Fassbender, I personally thought that they didn't do Jobs justice but now that I have seen this documentary, he really was a calculating, manipulative and uncaring person. Nobody doubts the bare genius of the man, who had a unique vision which has taken over the world but his under hand tactics and dangerous minds games have damaged some people for life. When you hear the interviews from his fellow co-workers, who actually worked side by side with Steve, they all seem like there life's were hanging on a thread, so my question is, was it really worth it? I know that the Apple brand is one of the biggest in the world and that everyone has an iPhone but when people are committing suicide, mainly because of the bare pressure in the business, I personally would rather work in McDonald's. Anyway, this documentary gives more information than the movies did but I personally don't think that anyone would have said anything about the "goings on" behind Apple doors if Steve Jobs was still alive. You do have to have a cutthroat personality to make it in business, so it seems like he was the right person to dominate the technology market but if a lot of the stories in this documentary are true, I think he went a bit too far in a lot of circumstances. Anyway, this is definitely worth a watch, basically because everyone knows about the Apple brand, and I'm sure that people will come away with there own personal opinion about Steve Jobs and his determination to take over the world. Educational!

Round-Up: This documentary was written and directed by Alex Gibney, 62, who has brought you over 30 documentaries, which include The Armstrong Lie, Mr. Dynamite, My Trip To Al-Qaeda, Finding Fela! and many more. He has a way of getting to the gritty truth, even though it could damage people's reputation but that's what makes a documentary worth watching. 

I recommend this movie to people who are into their documentaries, which give an in depth look into the private and personal life of the late Apple CEO, Steve Jobs. 6/10
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