Ruefully Painful
4 May 2016
Where I come from middle school is referred to as Junior High School and those are not years I care to relive. Face it folks, if you're not part of the cool kids clique life can be pretty rotten for you. I remember for myself going from baseball cards to supposedly having an interest in girls. Faking it was something you had to do most definitely to survive Andries Hudde Junior High to Midwood High School. At least I had to fake it.

Zachary Gordon is like so many kids, just trying to find his niche to fit in. He has an older brother Devon Bostick who's no help at all and parents who just don't quite get it. For instance the fine points of difference between journal and diary. Gordon tries a lot of things and nothing quite works out. He's also got a chubby friend Robert Capron for whom puberty is a late arrival and he's not socially graceful.

But in the world of middle school unexpected things occur and it's Capron who wins acceptance first. But in the end Gordon shows some real character that says he's going to come out fine as an adult.

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid is based on a best selling book popular with the juvenile set. Some of the film while funny might also be ruefully painful for many adults who watch.
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