The Walking Dead: Last Day on Earth (2016)
Season 6, Episode 16
Rubbish. Made me lose all interest in the show
8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This series started out pretty great, had some amazing moments,...but seems to be going downhill at breakneck speed. Although a series about zombies can hardly be called realistic, at least in the first couple of seasons whatever happened, however cruel and gruesome it might be, seemed believable and mostly made sense. The final episode of the sixth season however did not pull a rabbit out of a hat, it tried to conjure up a hundred foot dinosaur and failed

Possible Spoiler!

All of a sudden a large, well-organized, well-trained, well-equipped group of villains appear out of nowhere, led by a master villain who immediately falls into character by giving an overlong boring monologue, emphasizing his own 'superior' intellect.

This episode has ruined the suspension of disbelief for me completely. I am going to assume everybody has died and next year I'll watch something that does not insult my intelligence....probably of British, German or Scandinavian origin.
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