Bad, Bad, Bad movie
6 March 2016
Okay, this is one of the worst military movies I have seen in a long, long time. And I only watched the first 20 minutes. I couldn't take anymore of it. I am a US Army veteran and I am very familiar with the military quirks and I will give you 3 of them that I discovered in the first 20 minutes.

1. In the opening scene, Tom Sizemore is in the Command Control Center and he is in US Navy BDU's. That is I THINK he is in the US Navy. Seeing as the "US Navy" Velcro label is missing from his uniform (making him seriously out of uniform), I have doubts as to whether he is in the Navy, Army, Marines, or whatever. Rank is also missing from the uniforms in the Control Center.

2. In the Battle that ensues, the head bad guy, General Ntonga appears on the porch, does not take cover, and starts firing his pistols wildly. Does the Seal Team decided to take him, the supreme ranking officer, out? No. Instead they shoot and kill about 10 little peons surrounding him. One of the Navy Seals finds a 50 caliber machine gun and instead of shooting the General, he shoots all the bullets out in a sweeping motion, Rambo style. Everyone is killed except for the General. He escapes. This Navy Seal Team fails in that task miserably.

3. I did not see any communications devices on any of the Seal Team members. It is CRITICAL that the team members communicate with each other, instead of shouting at each other. There is a sniper in the battle mentioned above, but without communications devices, he does not know that the General is out in the open. Also, while being shot at, one the members acts like he is crouching behind a jeep for cover, when his head is actually above the jeep itself, making himself a head shot target.

Oh, by the way. There is no Seal Team 6. It was disbanded in 1987, the year The Navy established the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as DEVGRU, which governs all active duty Navy Seals (about 2,500 members). This organization is now known as Seal Team 6. So when the media refers to Seal Team 6, they are actually referring to all Navy Seals as a whole. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy_SEALs#SEAL_Teams)

Maybe Roel should have thought about hiring an actual former Navy Seal to make sure military protocols are adhered to?

The information contained in this review was all researched and verified. None of these statements were false, they are all factual.
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