Road not happy; still a pleasant movie.
6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Lose one point: no color, just b/w.

Lose two points: no Kelly song and dance.

Lose one BIG point: not a happy road trip.

10-4 = 6

Gain one point: I watched this film to the end, so that makes it okay in my book.

6+1 = 7

7: my final number of points.

Observations and spoilers:

Cons: Road trip goofy and unrealistic. Drug addicts and moronic child molesters could have been on that same journey. Tiny car. Five people. Three on a police motorcycle. Two on a rickety old scooter (Vespa?). Where did the scissors come from? I missed that part. Children just happened to come upon kind people who fed and sheltered them. Children shown asleep together in one place and in bed together together in another place. Does this look smarmy or what? The ogre guy looked like he was gonna use his axe and have the kiddos for dinner. Ugh.

Pros: Kelly and the mother get together in the end. Not really get together, if you know what I mean. Maybe the groom-to-be dumps her at the altar, and she becomes Kelly's new wife. We don't see that part. But I digress. Beaujolaise Nouveau, salami, baguettes. At least everybody got refreshments in that tiny clown-car. I thought Redgrave was very good and effective in his role.


Most of my movies I give a 9 or 10. This one tried pretty hard. I was going to delete it after I saw no Kelly terpsichory, BUT the comedic foibles of all these idiots on the road kept convincing me to keep watching this film.
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