Review of 11.22.63

11.22.63 (2016– )
True to the Book, Very Promising
16 February 2016
James Franco exercises his full acting range in this adaptation of Stephen King's taut, time-travel thriller. Early on, it's very true to the plot, style, and tone of King's book, so fans of the novel should be pleased if it continues in the same way. At the same time, those unfamiliar with the book are thrown into an engaging world with its own quirks and rules. Franco navigates moments of surprising pathos and surprising humor with ease, pulling the viewer into Epping's experiences and showing us his thoughts and feelings, even when dialogue is sparse.

11.22.63 is intelligent, thoughtful television that belongs in the current streamed-TV and specialized-content landscape that contains shows like The Man in the High Castle, Fargo, and the (dearly-departed) Hannibal. It's not an easy show to watch when you're half asleep or cleaning the house. If you're willing to give it your full attention, however, it's more than worth the time.
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