The harbinger of Green Street Hooligans...
5 February 2016
"The Football Factory" is a Crime movie in which we watch football from a different perspective. Our main character is a male man who has a boring life. Although he is a hooligan and lives in a violent and hostile environment full of drugs and alcohol.

I liked this movie because I believe it shows the truth of football from the sight of hooligans. It shows the truth that no one wants to admit and believe that it exists. The interpretation of Danny Dyer who played as Tommy Johnson it was very good and also the interpretation of Frank Harper who played as Billy Bright.

Finally I have to say that I watched "The Football Factory" after I watched the "Green Street Hooligans" movie. So, unwittingly I made a comparison between these two movies and I believe that "Green Street Hooligans" is better. In my opinion you have to watch first "The Football Factory" and after the "Green Street Hooligans" because with this way you will be more satisfied.
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