Ride Along 2 (2016)
Who ask a sequel for this movie?
14 January 2016
Well, i already know one of the worst movies of 2016... in January!!

Easy money for the studio. They will make it back on DVD and online sales & rental with this.

From the makers of a forgettable buddy movie that only the teenagers enjoy this movie sequel, comes the sequel that's it is somehow worse then the first one.The premise of this movie is EXACTLY the same as the first. They might as well call it a remake.

I literally did not laugh once in the first movie.I laughed only once in the sequel. The second one looks worse and it's too bad Kevin hart is letting himself be type casted into these god awful buddy cop movies as the annoying short guy.

I like Kevin Hart,I just can't stand his style of comedy.He is a funny guy, but i'm ALREADY tired of him, and his acting skills are ATROCIOUS. He just screams all of his lines and does the whole over the top, fall on your face "comedy" hat has been done endless times by funnier people.He'll crank out lazy unfunny movies for another 2 or 3 years and then he'll hit the same black hole that everyone ELSE does ,when people tired watching the SAME old thing again and again it became obnoxious.

and i like Ice Cube too but he need to stay out of these movies

Unfunny humor with forced and lazy jokes

Lack of any friendship feel between the characters, is similar to the "reboot" of The Odd Couple.

The Action wasn't fun

The Writing was terrible

Overall this movie was a unfunny waste of time!

2/10 1/5 F

Don't waste your time with movies like these.

the BEST buddy cop action comedy franchise was RUSH HOUR with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker(even the third one) but stupid kids these days don't know what the yay that is.

and Bad boys
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