Best Docu of the year!
21 December 2015
The thing is with this Michael Moore's latest docu, I'm a liberal, so he's basically preaching to the converted. So the best way for this film to have the most impact is for it to screen in regions of the U.S.A. where there's big demographics that want status quo, that blame the minorities for the economy, that are still gung-ho about endless wars.

From "Roger & Me," to "Bowling For Columbine," to "Sicko" to "Fahrenheit 911" and now "Where To Invade Next," Michael Moore knows which buttons to push to tick off the right wingers. Don't get me wrong, I love this country, this good ol' US of A but let's not be ignorant, let's not be in denial, let's not forget the fact that we are also responsible for lots of atrocities, many of which are currently happening, including our idea of going to one war after another after another, toppling one dictator after another dictator after another. We invaded Iraq. which didn't attack us on 9/11 by the way, with the plan of stealing their oil and look what happens now, we're still paying the consequences of the lives and expense we've lost there, and terrorism fill the political vacuum and wages war on us. WHERE TO INVADE NEXT is basically Michael Moore invading major modern nations and playfully stealing their ideas that work, ideas that improve the lives of their citizens.

It's sad really when you think about it. It's sad that we are supposed to be the richest most powerful country in the world and yet many of our middle-class are disappearing and the poor don't have a leg up to get themselves out of poverty. Italy gives their newly mothers five months of paid maternity leave. The education system in Norway get rid of standardized testing and instead they improve on poetry, art, and music, basically stuff on which Americas education system often cuts funding. Portugal has done away with death penalty. Even a moslem country in Tunisia can have their conservative and liberal parties work together to pass laws that would improve the lives of their citizens. Germany has free college tuition and universal health care.

Watching WHERE TO INVADE NEXT makes you envy these other neighboring countries, they get to live the American dream while we here cannot. The government should be by the people, of the people and for the people, NOT for the greedy few but that is unfortunately what's happening in our country. In the U.S., the greedy few on top gamble with our money and they fail or when the bubble burst, like in 2008, it's our taxpayers money that bailed them out. The CEOs responsible were never convicted of their crime. Speaking of taxes, most of our taxes go to military, and yet the politicians make it seem like we cannot afford such things as universal health care and universal college.

Another thing that WHERE TO INVADE NEXT points out is that we Americans have become arrogant. We think that we are the good guys so much so that everything we do cannot be wrong. We have bought into our own exceptionalism that we choose to not learn from other countries anymore. We forget to learn from our own history. WHERE TO INVADE NEXT goes straight for the truth, it's Michael Moore's funniest yet, but it's funny in a way that leaves a feeling a self-retrospect in you. It's eye-opening. I hope my fellow millennials get to see WHERE TO INVADE NEXT, and then do their research, learn from history and then take a stand and do something about it.
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