Definitely Worth It
15 December 2015
This documentary really gives an amazing insight into the life of Tyler Oakley, youtuber, author and so many more things. Whether you're a fan or just want to get a little more insight into Tyler Oakley's life, this documentary will definitely teach you things you didn't know yet. This documentary proves anyone who says youtubers aren't hard workers wrong, and will make anyone, young or old, male, female or something else, fall in love with Tyler Oakley. Snervous will make you laugh and cry and will never fail to surprise you. If you are a person who finds themselves in the LGBTQ+ spectrum, this documentary will have some moments in it you will probably be able to relate to. For me, being a gay girl, it was so helpful to watch and it definitely made me realize that I'm not going through this on my own. We are all fighting our own battle. This documentary has it all, and I'm positive you won't regret watching it.
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