Review of MI-5

MI-5 (2015)
Nothing special, just an OK spy based, thriller.
6 December 2015
Watching Kit Harrington run around the screen for 90mins was not really that exciting. Nowhere near as exciting as when Tom Cruise does it in the Mission: Impossible series. The Two are in the same boat as they both take the Helm of a movie based on a TV series.

MI: 5 is nothing like the sleek and polished (fictional) version of MI:6 from the Bond films. The movie gives a more down to Earth image of how her Majesty's security service (as it's put in the movie) really works.

Harrington plays an ex-spy reinlisted by MI:5 to find his old mentor and boss who has broken quite a few rules in order to track down a terrorist.

The movie is filled with some decent action thriller moments, but I was not too impressed with the espionage. It was kind of weak and corny the way secrets were revealed and pieces of the puzzle were found. a lot of this had to do with using Harrington strictly as an eye candy tool.

The character Harry Pearce was kind of cool as a spy who does his job a little too well. It was interesting watching him out smart other spies in the game in order to reach his most important goal. I don't think I've ever seen this style of patriotism in a British film.

Overall, it was a decent action movie to watch, but as an espionage movie, I felt that they did not even try to be imaginative with the cover ups and the deception, and as cool as it was watching Kit Harrington as a field agent, his purpose to draw in an audience lessened the quality of the picture.
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