That laugh gets in your head
21 November 2015
That laugh is contagious, in fact even when this guy is just generally doing something basic he makes a little laugh come out. I am of course talking about Pee-wee Herman, a man who wears a suit, rides a tricked out bike and just generally talks like an 8 year old kid. The movie is all about his beloved bike which is stolen, Pee- wee is devastated, in fact so much so that he faints in the local bike shop. We then follow Pee-wee as he travels far to find his bicycle and over that time he gets into many situations and meets some crazy characters.

OK this movie is funny, in fact some scenes are actually really funny and you can't help but find most things Pee-wee does pretty humorous. The movie is though no masterpiece and can be not so funny at times, it is good don't get me wrong but not as good as I have seen some claim this to be. If you take away its cult status then you get a good and very welcome entry into the world of directing from Tim Burton who makes this even funnier than it probably should have been, his odd style actually improves this to an extent that Pee-wee seems crazy and yet so does everybody else. Phil Hartman, Paul Reubens and Michael Varhol create a screenplay that is pretty nicely done for the movie and although most laughs really are generated from the physical side of Pee-wee, it still is very nicely written.

One of the writers Paul Reubens is of course Pee-wee himself and creates an extremely memorable character who is likable albeit his kind of annoying personality. Reubens recreates his character for the big screen and brings a kind of person who can make both children and adults laugh. I think one big thing about this is really the fact that adults can enjoy this too, I said about Reubens making it funny but also the way in which the jokes are done are in a way in which all ages can laugh and I feel Burton was really the one who made that work.

This movie is as I said before not the very best when it comes to comedy though, some jokes fall a little flat and the movie by the end can feel like a crazy ride where you can't quite remember some of the jokes on show. I did however enjoy the story and that is another thing which makes this a good movie and one that is likable, you don't just have the comedy stuffed in there, but genuinely an interesting story about a guy who loves his bike so much he has to travel far and wide to find it.

So overall a recommendable movie and one you could easily watch again one day, it's nice and snappy and at a running time of 90 minutes it doesn't' feel like a slog in anyway. Tim Burton may be remembered for a long time in the future for making his Gothic and very dark films that although are mostly humorous, they never feel like this one, it isn't exactly dark and is a very basic story, never goes over the top and just feels nice, a good little watch for anyone of any age.
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