''You can tell we're in Essex, can't you?''
19 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Two years after their last show 'Bottom Live 2001 - An Arse Oddity', Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson resurrected Richie and Eddie for one last stage outing - 'Bottom Live 2003 - Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour', filmed live from The Cliffs Pavilion in Southend.

'Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour' kicks off with Richie, desperate to use the toilet, being unable to relieve himself due to the fact that Eddie has been locked in the bathroom for a fortnight. After gaining access he is shocked to discover that Eddie has been creating all sorts of creations, such as Weapons Grade Lager ( which he has named 'G.M.T.V' ), The Patent Painless Tattoo Remover ( which does not so much remove the tattoo as make it merely illegible, as Richie finds out much to his cost ) and a special vacuum cleaner of which the suction is so powerful it strips a room of its entire contents.

Richie is also surprised to find that Eddie has built a time-travelling toilet as well, which he names 'The Turdis' ( an blatant dig at 'Doctor Who' ). Predictably, one mishap leads to another and Richie and Eddie end up being blasted into the unknown, only for The Turdis to run out of power in the middle of nowhere. Survival looks slim...

'Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour' is not a shining example of Rik and Ade at their best but it is not a bad farewell either. Some gags were recycled from previous shows such as the Stephen Fry reference from 'The Big Number 2 Tour' and 'The Pants Song' from 'An Arse Oddity, neither of which worked particularly well here ( though in my opinion 'The Pants Song' didn't work first time round ).

There are some corkers though such as Eddie rhetorically asking Richie ''Who would have thought you could have been so full of s**t!'' after sucking the waste from his body with the vacuum, Richie claiming to have a 'quad bike flashback' ( another reference to Mayall's quad bike accident ) and Eddie's underpants shrinking to microscopic proportions whilst he is still in them.

And that is where 'Bottom' ends. Rik and Ade felt they were getting a bit too long in the tooth to be knocking each other about with frying pans and were keen to move on. Probably a wise decision. In 2012, Rik and Ade planned on making a revival of 'Bottom' for television based on the 'Hooligan's Island' stage show but due to Edmondson's reluctance, it never came to anything.

Funniest moment - Richie asking Eddie why he has named his home-brewed lager 'G.M.T.V'. ''Because it completely f**ks up your mind!'', replies Eddie.

Second funniest moment - Richie and Eddie apparently having travelled so far back in time they have transformed into Vyvyan and Rik from 'The Young Ones', much to the delight of the audience.
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