5 Flights Up (2014)
For adults...a serious look at enjoying being seniors
7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The joy of this film is simply watching 2 consummate actors -- Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton -- ply their craft. Oddly enough, I didn't like either of these actors when they were young. But in autumn, they are choice.

The premise of the film is that an aging mixed race couple are thinking of moving out of New York City...mostly because their apartment is now worth $1 million, but partly because their current residence is 5 flights up...not good when you're getting old. Meanwhile, their small dog has to have expensive surgery.

Korey Jackson is amazingly on-target as the young Morgan Freeman; I hope we see more of him. Claire van der Boom does well as the young Diane Keaton.

It's really quite a touching film, and I enjoyed it...except for the ending. Morgan Freeman's character is clearly getting old, and they turn down selling their 4 floor walk-up...despite the fact that old people can't walk that many levels of stairs...trust me, I know. Nevertheless, I recommend this film for mature audiences. What impressed me was what was not emphasized...something that you just need to get on your own -- that many of the guess who's coming to dinner couples undoubtedly lived happy lives despite all the haters.
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