Review of The Terror

The Terror (1963)
A Fading Legend Opposite a Rising Legend
9 October 2015
While full of plot holes and inconsistencies, Roger Corman's short low-budget thriller, "The Terror," achieved its goals: tell a good entertaining story competently on a low budget. Corman had considerable good luck on his side, because he not only enlisted the talents of the legendary Boris Karloff, but also those of the young Jack Nicholson. Nicholson is Andre Duvalier, a young French lieutenant who is separated from his regiment and encounters a mysterious young woman on a rugged beach. Events lead Andre to an old woman, who practices alchemy, and eventually to a sinister castle, where the Baron von Leppe lives a near-hermit existence, haunted by a dark secret and a lost love. Although the production company, American-International, is renowned for cheap exploitation movies, Corman had considerable talent and used a scenic rocky coastline and generic "Dracula" style interiors, complete with the requisite crypt, to best advantage.

Karloff plays the haunted Baron with conviction; he had presence and a voice that commands attention whenever he is on screen. While Nicholson has more screen time than Karloff, he was an unknown at the time and, thus, was second billed. While he attempts no French accent and his performance is more 20th century than early 19th, Nicholson does a decent job in an undemanding role. Dorothy Neuman is effective as the witch, and Richard Miller is competent as Stefan, the Baron's servant. However, Sandra Knight sleepwalks through her role as the mysterious beauty, and her sometimes-grating voice did not record well. While the terror of the generic title is lacking, Corman does generate some suspense, and the film is not boring. The under-rated Karloff is always a compelling watch, and the opportunity to observe a young Jack Nicholson is a treat. While "The Terror" is no enduring classic, the movie offers a film legend near career end and another legend near a rise to stardom.
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